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GDM-8341 > 디지털미터

상품간략정보 및 구매기능


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

정가 572,000  (VAT포함)
판매가 452,100  (VAT포함)
  • GDM-8341


상품 정보

주요 특징

• 50,000 counts, VFD display

• Dual measurement/Dual display

• Selectable measurement speeds, the maximum: 40 Readings/s for DCV

• The basic precision of DC voltage: 0.02%

• Auto/manual Ranging

• True RMS (AC,AC+DC) measurements

• 11 different measurement functions

• Max./Min., REL, MX+B, 1/X, Ref%, Compare, Hold, dB, dBm

• Standard USB device interface to connect with a computer

• Temperature measurement function (GDM-8342 only)

• USB storage for Data collection (GDM-8342 only)

• Optional GPIB (factory install for GDM-8342)


Unrestrained Storage and Connection

   -- Data storage no longer be bound by transmission wire


GW INSTEK rolls out the new generation Dual Measurement Multimeter -- the GDM-834x series, which has two models -GDM-8341 and GDM 8342. Its exceptional features include 50,000 counts, VFD dual-display, 0.02% basic DC voltage accuracy and a USB protocol connector to provide users with measurement precision, lucid data observation, and the convenience to connect with the personal computer.


The GDM-834x series not only supports the fundamental measurement items provided by general multimeters, but also equips with capacitance and temperature measurement functions. Furthermore, the GDM-834x series also provides many auxiliary functions to meet the measurement requirements for manufacturing process tests, educational experiments and testing facilities.


With respect to storing and retrieving data, the GDM-834x series has two methods to offer: first, the USB flash drive storage function --- operating alone without connecting with a computer; second, USB interface (virtual COM port) and optional GPIB interface (must be installed in factory) for automatic measurement system users to conveniently save and retrieve data.


Convenient USB flash drive storage function


The major distinction between GDM-8342 and products in the same category is that GDM-8342 provides USB flash drive storage function, which allows users to conveniently save data into a USB flash drive through a simple and proper setting. This unique function, different from other digital multimeters which must first save data into its own internal memory then transfer out the file, or connect multimeters with a computer to retrieve data, not only savesoperational time but also cuts down the cost and time of developing programs.


The USB flash drive storage function incorporates two modes -- basic and advanced, which can be selected from the front panel. When the basic mode is on, data will be saved into an automatically established new folder (time of established file will be determined by system default) and the starting time of data logging will use a fixed time marker (00hr: 00min: 00sec). For advanced mode, users can designate a file path to save data or establish a new folderand the starting time of data logging is determined by users’ inputs (for instance: 23hr: 45min: 32sec). The number of data files can be saved in one second is determined by the speed of selected function.


The USB storage function allows each flash drive to establish 100 folders (GW000 ~ GW099). Each folder has a capacity of saving 5,000,000 data files (which are divided into 100 sub-file names, therefore, each sub-file name can save 50,000 data files. Take folder GW000 as an example, internal file names are GW000_00 ~ GW00_99). The storage format is CSV, which can open files and conduct file analysis by existing tools. (such as Microsoft Excel)


Selectable measurement speeds


The GDM-834x series has three selectable measurement speeds- fast/medium/slow. For instance, the DC voltage measurement can reach 40 readings per second on the fast mode, which can maximize the effectiveness of each measurement.


Various measurement items and functionalities


he GDM-834x series provides various measurement items and functionalities compared with that of the products of same category. There are twelve major measurement items of this series including AC voltage/current, DC voltage/current, AC+DC voltage/current, two-wired resistance, capacitance, Frequency/ period, diode and continuity beeper test. Temperature measurement is an optional function for GDM-8342. Many auxiliary functions, such as maximum/minimumvalues, reading hold, relative values, dB, dBm, algorithms (MX+B, 1/X, Ref%) and comparison, are designed to reinforce the major measurement items to satisfy users’ daily working requirements.


Dual measurement/dual display


The GDM-834x series, similar to GW INSTEK’s 6 1/2 and 5 1/2 digits multimeters, equips with dual display to support the possible combinations of measurement items. For example, the DC voltage and current or DC voltage with AC element will appear when monitoring components of test wiring. The results of each measurement will simultaneously appear on different displays that not only save users’ precious time but also exempt users from the trouble of selectingdisplays while reading measurement results.


Command compatibility & Free software-remote control and data retrieving


For GDM-8246 users, the GDM-834x series also provides a complete command compatibility (SYSTEM\LANG\COMP). Users can replace machines through the simple setting of the GDM-834x series without worrying the extra cost to modify the existing program and the delay of production time.


The GDM-834x provides free USB protocol connection software- Excel ADDins for users’ easy access. After installing the software, Microsoft Excel will establish Marco for users to directly control the setting of the GDM-834x series to record the results of the measurements. The recorded data will be synchronously transformed into graphic displays via Excel drawing function that not only eliminates the cost and time of developing programs but also overcomesthe compatibility issue of different programming languages.


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- 배송기간은 결제후 3일이내 입니다. (공휴일 제외)

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- 주문량이 많은 상품인 경우 배송이 지연될 수 있습니다.

- 제주도 및 도서산간 지역은 추가 운임비가 발생될 수 있으며, 1~2일 더 배송이 지연될 수 있습니다.

- 주문하신 상품이 이미 배송된 경우 주문 취소가 불가합니다.

- 결제하신 후 변경사항은 고객센터로 연락주시기 바랍니다.


- 우주테크로 제품 재입고 후, 상태 확인후 교환환불 가능합니다.

- 교환, 반품 시 고객센터로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

- 제품의 정품 박스및 악세사리 회손시 교환및 환불 불가합니다.

- 고객님의 단순변심으로 인한 교환, 반품은 왕복 택배비를 부담하셔야 합니다.

- 교환, 반품 시 꼭 지정택배를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

- 미사용 상품에 한하여 7일 이내 보내주셨을 경우 가능합니다.

<교환, 반품이 불가능한 경우>

- 반품 기일이 지난 경우 (상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이상 경과된 상품)

- 고객의 부주의로 인해 상품이 훼손된 경우

- 상품의 사용 및 제품 구성품의 파손, 분실, 라벨을 제거한 경우

- 반품 미접수 상품 반품의 경우 반송처리 될 수 있으니 접수 후 반품하시기 바랍니다.

- 정품 박스에 테이프 or 송장부착 상품은 교환, 반품이 불가합니다.

- 정품 라벨 제거시 교환, 반품이 불가합니다.


등록된 관련상품이 없습니다.

우주테크 정보

우주테크 대표자: 정은주 주소: 경상남도 김해시 번화1로 170, 한림리츠빌 상가 2층 201호 (삼문동)
Tel : 070.4191.0850 이메일 : woojoo0850@gmail.com
사업자등록번호 : 228-27-01021 통신판매업신고번호 : 2021-김해장유-0201호

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