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GDM-8255A > 디지털미터

상품간략정보 및 구매기능


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

정가 1,035,100  (VAT포함)
판매가 818,400  (VAT포함)
  • GDM-8255A


상품 정보

주요 특징

• GDM-8255A 199,999 Counts Display

• VFD Two Colors Display

• 0.012% DCV Accuracy

• True RMS (AC, AC+DC)

• 9 Major Measuring Functions and 10 Advanced Measurement Functions

• 2W/4W Resistance Measurement

• High Voltage 1000V and 10A Current Range

• Standard Interface : RS-232C, USB Device, Digital I/O

• Free PC Software (DMM-VIEWER), LabVIEW Driver

• Optional: 16+2 Channels Scanner Card


Is the resolution of your current mulitmeter inadequate to read the smallest signal? Need an easy to use multimeter with data-logging? Take a look at the GoodWill GDM-8255A series 5 1/2 digit dual-display digital multimeter. It features a DC voltage accuracy of 0.012% with an industry-leading response time. With robust hardware and software the GDM-825xA series will save time on debugging and analysis whilst saving you money.


The GDM-8255A carries an extensive list of standard measurement items with a dual-display allowing two measurement items to be displayed simultaneously. Advanced measurement functions, such as Max/Min, Hold, Relative value and Compare, are suitable for a multiplicity of applications such as production testing, research and field verification. The USB, RS-232C and 9-pin digital I/O interface are included as standard features for romte control and data capturingfor ATE.


For convenient PC-based remote control and extensive data capture, the GDM-8255A includes DMM-Viewer software at no additional cost. DMM-Viewer mimics the operation of the multimeters on the PC, allowing you to quickly use the software with little effort.


The optional scanner card (GDM-SC1), creates a self-contained multipoint measurement solution with plug-in design. This approach eliminates the complexities of multipoint measurements and data processing. The scanner lets users effectively measure multiple channels connected to a single GDM-8255A.


Rich Measurement Functions with Enhanced Features


Nine major measuring functions such as DCV/ACV, DCI/ACI, 2w/4w Resistance, Diode, Frequency, Continuity test and Temperature are provided on the GDM-8255A. The 0.012% DC voltage accuracy provides great precision for the DC voltage applications. In addition to the major measuring functions there are several advanced measuring functions such as Max, Min, dB, dBm, REL/REL#, Hold, Compare and Math functions ( MX+B, %, 1/X) to enhance the effectiveness of measuringresults.


Fast Measurement Speed & Transfer rate




The GDM-8255A offer selectable measurement speed rates under different modes. The speed rates allow you to maximize measurement efficiency while maintaining sufficient accuracy. In fast mode, the instrument delivers 60 readings/sec (see table below), adequately meeting today's speed demands. The display can be turned off by pressing the OUTPUT ON/OFF button at anytime. When using remote control, the display can be turned off to increase the measurementspeed by reducing the operating load.


Diverse Measuring Combinations with VFD Dual Color Display


Offering a variety of dual display combinations, the GDM-8255A allows a main measurement function and an auxiliary measurement function to be displayed at the same time. The dual measuring function will save measurement time when dealing with applications requiring multiple simultaneous parameters. The high quality dual color VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) is strongly illuminated with a clear contrast for both red and green.


Multiple Standard Interfaces


The GDM-8255A provides multiple interfaces for PC connection as standard: RS-232C and USB. With RS-232 and USB as standard, remote control and data transfer is faster and smoother. Without the need for expensive propriety communication interfaces, costs are significantly reduced for PC control and monitoring. In addition, the digital I/O terminal outputs comparison measurement results to control external devices for ATE applications and the VCC outputcan be used as a power source for TTL or CMOS circuits.


Convenient PC Software



For convenient remote control and long data captures, the GDM-8255A is accompanied with free software, DMM-Viewer. This software allows users to remotely control the GDM-8255A without the need to issue commands or develop new program interfaces. DMM-Viewer's software interface resembles the GDM-8255A front panel, shortening training. For data capturing through a PC, the software allows you to observe measurement results before saving to a file for furtherstudy. Additionally saved files can be loaded and viewed as a graph. With DMM-Viewer, operating the GDM-8255A multimeter can be much more effective.


Effective Multiple Measurement Scanner Card



Each scanner card has 16 general purpose channels and 2 extra channels for current (ACI, DCI) measurements. All channels are fully isolated (Hi and Lo). Up to two scanner cards can be inserted into each multimeter for a maximum of 36 channels. These optional modules not only provide customers with a complete hands-free multiple measurement solution, but also provide a cost effect upgrade path compared to purchasing dedicated instruments.


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- 고객님의 단순변심으로 인한 교환, 반품은 왕복 택배비를 부담하셔야 합니다.

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- 미사용 상품에 한하여 7일 이내 보내주셨을 경우 가능합니다.

<교환, 반품이 불가능한 경우>

- 반품 기일이 지난 경우 (상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이상 경과된 상품)

- 고객의 부주의로 인해 상품이 훼손된 경우

- 상품의 사용 및 제품 구성품의 파손, 분실, 라벨을 제거한 경우

- 반품 미접수 상품 반품의 경우 반송처리 될 수 있으니 접수 후 반품하시기 바랍니다.

- 정품 박스에 테이프 or 송장부착 상품은 교환, 반품이 불가합니다.

- 정품 라벨 제거시 교환, 반품이 불가합니다.


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우주테크 정보

우주테크 대표자: 정은주 주소: 경상남도 김해시 번화1로 170, 한림리츠빌 상가 2층 201호 (삼문동)
Tel : 070.4191.0850 이메일 : woojoo0850@gmail.com
사업자등록번호 : 228-27-01021 통신판매업신고번호 : 2021-김해장유-0201호

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