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GPM-8213 > 디지털미터

상품간략정보 및 구매기능


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

정가 2,563,000  (VAT포함)
판매가 2,563,000  (VAT포함)
  • GPM-8213


상품 정보

주요 특징

• 4” TFT LCD

• Two data display modes

• Standard : two major measurement items + six secondary measurement items

• Simple : displaying test data of four different measurement items

• Met the requirement of IEC 62301 power measurement

• Voltage/ current test frequency bandwidth : DC~6kHz

• Watt resolution : 1mW

• Lowest current range : 5mA, resolution : 0.1uA

• Current/voltage measurements reach CF=3 for distorted wave and CF=6 for half range

• W-h (power vs time)/A-h (current vs time) integration function

• Total harmonic distortion measurement

• Front panel test terminal

• Standard interface : RS-232C, USB device, LAN

• Optional interface : GPIB

• Optional test fixture : GPM-001


GW Instek GPM-8213 power meter is designed specifically for single-phase (1P/2W) AC power supply’s power measurements. Powerful features, including 4” TFT LCD, five-digit measurement display, 19 power measurement parameters, integral measurement function, high-accuracy voltage/current/power measurement capabilities, front/rear panel input terminals, and various communications ports, are to facilitate users with clear, convenient, and accurate power measurements.


GPM-8213 provides as many as 19 power measurement parameters, including voltage (Vrms/ V+pk / V-pk), current (Irms/ I+pk / I-pk), frequency (VHz/ IHz), power (P/ P+pk / P-pk), crest factor (CFV/ CFI), apparent power (VA), reactive power (VAR), power factor (PF), phase angle (DEG), total harmonic distortion (THDV/ THDI), high-accuracy voltage/current/power measurement capabilities (reading: ±0.1%; level: ±0.1%). The advantages of TFT LCD havebeen efficiently deployed to simple mode and standard mode. Simple mode displays conventional power meter’s four measurement parameters to meet the requirement of accuracy and clarity for the test on manufacturing process. Standard mode extends the display to the maximum of 8 measurement parameters (2 major measurements + 6 monitor measurements) to satisfy the various measurement application requirements of R&D, design, and quality verification.


For DUT requiring IEC 62301/EN 50564 standby power consumption test, GPM-8213 provides the optimal measurement supports, including test frequency bandwidth of DC~6kHz, the minimum current level of 5mA (resolution: 0.1uA), power measurement resolutions (1uW for minimum current and voltage levels; 1mW for maximum current and voltage levels), crest factor reaching 3 (half range reaching 6), and measurement of total harmonic distortion (at least 13th orderpower harmonic). For large voltage /large current measurement applications of general power measurement, GPM-8213 provides PT / CT rate function to collocate with external potential transformer or current transformer to meet the measurement requirements.


With respect to data retrieval and storage, the standard RS-232C/ USB interfaces (virtual COM)/ LAN can be utilized to edit and retrieve programs or the optional GPIB interface (installed by manufacturer) can be selected to meet users’ automatic test system requirements.


Two Display Modes  

GPM-8213 provides two display modes so as to maximize users’ measurement effectiveness.


Standard mode: simultaneously displays 8 measurement parameters (2 major measurements + 6 secondary measurements) and related measurement setting parameters; ideal for R&D, design, and engineering verification.

Simple mode: displays four measurement parameters; ideal for production tests.



Standard mode

(Setting & 8 measurement)


 Simple mode


(4 measurements)


Variety of Measurement Parameters

Comparing with products of the same category, GPM-8213 provides more diverse measurement items and functions, including voltage, current, frequency, active power, apparent power, reactive power, power factor, crest factor, and total harmonic distortion measurement. GPM-8213 also features the integral measurement function for DUT’s power or current time. Users can set a time period to execute the transient power integration and divide the result by timeto receive DUT’s average power.











Optional Measuement Capabilities

For IEC 62301/EN 50564 standby power consumption test requirement, GPM-8213 can fully meet the demand by its features, including measurement frequency bandwidth of DC~6kHz, minimum current level of 5mA (resolution: 0.1uA), power measurement resolutions (1uW for minimum current and voltage levels; 1mW for maximum current and voltage levels). Beyond that, time resolution for integral measurement is one second. With respect to large power measurement, userscan utilize terminal on the rear panel to conduct 600V / 20A measurement. Users can also use external potential transformer/current transformer for measurement and collocate with PT/CT to set multiplying factor (1~9999) to change readings to the original input voltage or current values without the trouble of additional calculation.



Low current range & High resolution


PT / CT Connection



Various Standard Interfaces

The various practical interfaces, RS-232 / USB device/ LAN, are equipped as standard making control convenient and flexible for remote control and measurement result collection. Also, GPIB is available as optional.


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- 배송기간은 결제후 3일이내 입니다. (공휴일 제외)

- 배송업체는 우체국택배, 로젠택배를 이용합니다.

- 토, 일요일 및 공휴일은 발송되지 않습니다.

- 주문량이 많은 상품인 경우 배송이 지연될 수 있습니다.

- 제주도 및 도서산간 지역은 추가 운임비가 발생될 수 있으며, 1~2일 더 배송이 지연될 수 있습니다.

- 주문하신 상품이 이미 배송된 경우 주문 취소가 불가합니다.

- 결제하신 후 변경사항은 고객센터로 연락주시기 바랍니다.


- 우주테크로 제품 재입고 후, 상태 확인후 교환환불 가능합니다.

- 교환, 반품 시 고객센터로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

- 제품의 정품 박스및 악세사리 회손시 교환및 환불 불가합니다.

- 고객님의 단순변심으로 인한 교환, 반품은 왕복 택배비를 부담하셔야 합니다.

- 교환, 반품 시 꼭 지정택배를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

- 미사용 상품에 한하여 7일 이내 보내주셨을 경우 가능합니다.

<교환, 반품이 불가능한 경우>

- 반품 기일이 지난 경우 (상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이상 경과된 상품)

- 고객의 부주의로 인해 상품이 훼손된 경우

- 상품의 사용 및 제품 구성품의 파손, 분실, 라벨을 제거한 경우

- 반품 미접수 상품 반품의 경우 반송처리 될 수 있으니 접수 후 반품하시기 바랍니다.

- 정품 박스에 테이프 or 송장부착 상품은 교환, 반품이 불가합니다.

- 정품 라벨 제거시 교환, 반품이 불가합니다.


등록된 관련상품이 없습니다.

우주테크 정보

우주테크 대표자: 정은주 주소: 경상남도 김해시 번화1로 170, 한림리츠빌 상가 2층 201호 (삼문동)
Tel : 070.4191.0850 이메일 : woojoo0850@gmail.com
사업자등록번호 : 228-27-01021 통신판매업신고번호 : 2021-김해장유-0201호

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