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GDM-9061 > 디지털미터

상품간략정보 및 구매기능


상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

정가 1,246,300  (VAT포함)
판매가 985,600  (VAT포함)
시리즈 GDM-906x 시리즈
  • GDM-9061


상품 정보

주요 특징

• 6 1/2 Digit Display:1,200,000 Counts

• 4.3 TFT Craphic LCD

• DCV Basic Accuracy:0.0035%(GDM-9061)/0.0075%(GDM-9060)

• 12 Measurement Functions: DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2-wire and 4-wire Resistance, Frequency, Period, Diode, Continuity, Temperature and Capacitance

• Sampling Rate up to 10k SPS (GDM-9061)

• Dual Measurement Function to Providing Two Selected Measurement Simultaneously

• Offer Graphical Capabilities lncluding Histogram, Bar Meter and Trend

• Temperature Measurement Support RTD, Thermistor as Well as Thermocouple

• Standard Interfaces: USB Host/Device, RS-232C, LAN, Digital I/O

• Optional Interface: GPIB


GW Instek launches GDM-906X series 6 ½ digit dual measurement multimeter (2 models: GDM-9061 and GDM-9060), featuring high precision DC voltage accuracy, fast sampling rate, 12 measurement functions (DC voltage/current, AC voltage/current, 2-wire/4-wire resistance, frequency, period, diode, continuity beeper, temperature, capacitance), 6 mathematical functions (dB/dBm/Compare/ MX+B/Percent and 1/X) as well as a variety of communications interfaces(USBdevice/host,RS-232C,LAN,digitalI/Oand optional GPIB) to provide comprehensive measurement capabilities, higher speed and accuracy.


Ideal benchtop partner


The GDM-906X series provides all fundamental measurement functions engineers require to design, develop, and test electronic circuits or products, including voltage, current, resistance, diode, and continuity beeper, frequency, temperature and capacitance. In addition, the series also features mathematical functions (dB, dBm, Compare, MX+B, 1/X and Percent), statistical functions (Min/Max/Average/P-P/STDEV), and a variety of standard communications interfaces.Theseries can meet specific measurementrequirementsandcomplexmeasurementapplicationswhether for the benchtop operation or to be installed in the system.




Diverse display mode


In addition to the standard numeric display mode, it also provides a variety of graphical functions such as bar meter, trend chart and histogram, so that the measurement results are no longer just a series of numbers, but a swift insight into the panoramic measurement.











Dual measurements and dual trend lines


IThe dual measurement function has always been a unique feature of GW Instek digital multimeters, allowing two measurement functions to be performed simultaneously and displaying the test results separately so as to greatly improve the test speed of the multi-functional measurement tasks.







High measurement resolution and high sampling rate


The GDM-906X series provides high resolution of 0.1μV for voltage measurement, 100pA for current measurement, and 100μΩ for resistance measurement to meet the necessary requirements for precision measurement in specific applications. In addition, GDM-9061 is capable of achieving 10k readings per second with a display resolution of 4½ digits, while GDM-9060 achieves 1k measurement readings per second with a display resolution of 5½ digits;such a fastsampling rate is sufficientforcurrent measurementneeds.




Temperature measurement


The GDM-906X series conducts temperature measurement and is ideal for a variety of temperature sensors, such as thermistors, RTDs, and thermocouples. The GDM-906X's temperature measurement supports commonly used thermocouple types (e.g. J / T / K..., etc.), using voltage measurement terminals as thermocouple inputs, and calculating temperature based on voltage fluctuations; the function can be used as a temperature recorder if collocated with internalmemory capacityand the trend chart function.




Diverse communications interface and fast transfer rate


For system integration applications, the GDM-906X series is equipped with RS232, USB and LAN as standard communications interfaces, and GPIB is an option (can be installed by customer) to meet the requirements of different system integrations. Data transfer rate is up to 10k readings per second (GDM-9061) or 1k readings per second (GDM-9060) via USB/LAN/GPIB interfaces.




Convenient PC software


FThe PC software DMM-Viewer2 is suitable for any computer communications interfaces (RS232C/LAN/USB/GPIB) provided by the GDM-906X series for long-term data acquisition. The software not only allows users to control the settings of the GDM-906X series but also provides the observation mode or the recording mode for the captured data. For the observation mode, the measurement result is directly presented as the result of the trend chart or the histogramand the resultis not saved. For the recordingmode, themeasurement result is directly saved into the log file, but only the current display is shown in the process. The measured data and trend chart can be viewed after the recording mode is stopped. In addition, the GDM-906X series also provides LabVIEW driver to meet the software application requirements of system integration.



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- 결제하신 후 변경사항은 고객센터로 연락주시기 바랍니다.


- 우주테크로 제품 재입고 후, 상태 확인후 교환환불 가능합니다.

- 교환, 반품 시 고객센터로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

- 제품의 정품 박스및 악세사리 회손시 교환및 환불 불가합니다.

- 고객님의 단순변심으로 인한 교환, 반품은 왕복 택배비를 부담하셔야 합니다.

- 교환, 반품 시 꼭 지정택배를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

- 미사용 상품에 한하여 7일 이내 보내주셨을 경우 가능합니다.

<교환, 반품이 불가능한 경우>

- 반품 기일이 지난 경우 (상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이상 경과된 상품)

- 고객의 부주의로 인해 상품이 훼손된 경우

- 상품의 사용 및 제품 구성품의 파손, 분실, 라벨을 제거한 경우

- 반품 미접수 상품 반품의 경우 반송처리 될 수 있으니 접수 후 반품하시기 바랍니다.

- 정품 박스에 테이프 or 송장부착 상품은 교환, 반품이 불가합니다.

- 정품 라벨 제거시 교환, 반품이 불가합니다.


등록된 관련상품이 없습니다.

우주테크 정보

우주테크 대표자: 정은주 주소: 경상남도 김해시 번화1로 170, 한림리츠빌 상가 2층 201호 (삼문동)
Tel : 070.4191.0850 이메일 : woojoo0850@gmail.com
사업자등록번호 : 228-27-01021 통신판매업신고번호 : 2021-김해장유-0201호

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